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The Servant Heart — Jerry
The model for all Christians is Jesus who came to the world in the form of a servant. Many problems which plague the home and relationships can be traced back to the absence of a servant heart. Any time individuals are in a marriage for what they can get instead of what they can give, the marriage is headed for trouble.
Men of God — Men with Jerry
Without the leadership of godly men, the family, the church, the community, and the nation are at risk . This powerful presentation moves theory into practice by calling all men, regardless of their stations in life, to be Men of God.
Women of God — Women with Lynn
All women, regardless of their life situations, have the challenge to be women of God. What defines this woman, and how does she, in a very practical way, stay true to this calling as she faces the daily challenges that come her way? This poignant presentation addresses both issues.
Recovery from Death and Divorce
The common denominator of both death and divorce is loss. The two major issues that often prevent recovery are failure to forgive and inability or unwillingness to establish a new dream for one’s life. Designed for those who have endured loss and for those who desire to better understand the grieving and rebuilding process, this very powerful and authentic presentation draws not only from Jerry and Lynn’s professional expertise but from their personal experiences.
Parenting 101
How often have parents looked at each other and said, “All we wanted was a baby to hold.”? Parenting adds a whole new dimension to individual lives as well as to a marriage, and while the blessings are many, so are the responsibilities and potential heartaches. The question in child rearing is not “How can we rear a good child?” but rather “How can we be godly parents?” This down-to-earth yet often humorous presentation provides insight for parents of all ages.
God’s Ideal Marriage
God is the “author” of marriage. While there are no perfect marriages, lasting marriages are unified, God-centered, and emotionally intimate. This realistic and entertaining presentation underscores the necessity of common goals and values if a marriage is to thrive.
Affair-Proofing Your Marriage
No marriage is immune to an affair. “It can’t happen to me” is Satan’s lie. Anyone can be emotionally or physically unfaithful if the foundation for fidelity is not firm and God-centered. Inherent in this forthright and informative presentation is a six-step model describing how good people become entrapped in webs of lies and deceitfulness. While controlling the choices of a spouse is impossible, one can determine the moral direction of their own life by establishing and maintaining firm boundaries.
Please Listen To Me (Part 1)
Surely “clean house” means “clean house.” Perhaps — perhaps not! No one sees the world exactly like another, and often the same words have different meanings. Central to healthy communication is an acknowledgement of each individual’s distinct perceptions and ego defenses. This dynamic and humorous session explains that “different” does not have to mean “wrong”— it usually just means different!
Please Listen To Me (Part 2)
The inability to deal constructively with anger is a major barrier in communication. Determining the source of anger is essential in learning to process it. Learning to “listen” to what lies beneath the words is also crucial if good conflict resolution is to be developed. Full of energy and common sense, this presentation is guaranteed to help you see yourself and those around you more authentically.
Unrealistic Expectations (“This Is Not Quite What I Expected”)
Young people usually enter into marriage with very distinct ideas about what the marriage will be and what roles each spouse will play in the marriage. Soon after the honeymoon this youthful idealism begins to give way to the realities of married life. To remain emotionally married couples must learn to evaluate and sometimes modify these expectations. This humorous, yet thought-provoking presentation brings to light some of these unrealistic expectations and provides some guidance for modifying them. Special emphasis is placed on sexuality and finances.
Trouble In Paradise: Pornography
This thought provoking and professionally presented session defines and addresses the origins of all addictive behavior and provides the scientific data explaining sexual addictions, including the addiction to pornography. Having grown to epidemic proportions via the internet, pornography is often considered the “secret sin”. Unless addressed, its addictive powers have a devastating impact on the individual and on relationships. The session concludes with the practical information necessary to break out of its bondage.
Loving Your Mate Through The Seasons Of Life (Part 1)
Nothing functions well without maintenance, and marriage is no exception. Periodic inventory needs to be taken of the marriage and of oneself. Too often emotional ties die because of neglect. At other times poor self-esteem, perfectionism, criticism, and depression can undermine the relationship. Acknowledging the origin of these issues and seeking realistic resolutions to them are necessary if the emotional bond is to survive. When marriage is seen as an opportunity for individual as well as couple growth, the marriage not only survives, it thrives!
Loving Your Mate Through The Seasons Of Life (Part 2)
Indicative of the servant heart that permeates a Christian marriage is the desire to know the needs of the spouse and the willingness to adjust to try and meet those needs. What are the needs of husbands and wives and how practically can they be met? Guaranteed to make you laugh while you learn, this energetic session provides the answers!