Matthew 25 Project for Restorative Justice

Events Calendar
StoryLink (2nd Saturday monthly) Arrive at 8:00, generally concludes around 10:30-11:00 a.m. departure.
The goal of StoryLink is to strengthen the bonds of family between offenders and their school-aged children and grandchildren. It is an extremely purposeful and popular program among the offenders and staff alike presented once each month.
Restorative Justice (3rd Monday monthly) Arrive around 6:00 p.m., and concludes approximately 8:30 p.m.
Based on the following mission statement, a volunteer in corrections must be involved in these once monthly meetings. The number of actual hours the offenders give toward this effort is amazing. NECC is the largest contributor in the state in produce, and they also make blankets, hats, gloves for the homeless, and give through various charities and contribute to church charity efforts as well.
Ascent Gavel Club at the Northeast Correctional Center – affiliated with Toastmaster’s International (1st & 4th Saturday monthly).
Serving along with two volunteers for this twice-monthly program within the Northeast Correctional Center as an active Gavel Club member that is progressing through the Toastmasters Communications and Leadership Development Programs alongside other club members in pursuit of self-improvement.
Offenders Offering Alternatives (OOA) (1st, 2nd, & 4th Monday monthly).
The purpose of this program is to confront, engage with, and encourage individuals who have been identified as likely to be incarcerated, in an effort to awaken them into reconsidering their current path of crime. This group is meeting three times each month.
Individuals participating are shown the prison life they are heading for, and presented with impactful personal testimonials by incarcerated offenders. Key themes of the offender testimonials include: The hole I dug, The life I gave away, Psychological prison, and Harsh reality. While the themes to be covered are set, they are established only as guidelines for the offender’s as they develop their own life testimonies, that provide a real view into prison life aimed at altering the course of would-be offenders to steer them away from their own incarceration. The offenders must develop and present testimonials for all themes as part of their own contributions to the program. In other words – It comes from the heart…